The Combined Joint Task Force will accomplish its mission – to militarily defeat DAESH in the Combined Joint Operations Area by, with, and through regional partners in order to enable whole-of-governmental actions to increase regional stability – by conducting a campaign against Daesh in Iraq and Syria in four phases.
In Phase I, Degrade, the CJTF conducted strikes against Daesh to blunt their expansion into Iraq and to begin to reduce their combat effectiveness. During this phase, the CJTF began providing training and equipping and advice and assistance to the Iraqi Security Forces and, in a more limited role, partnered forces on the ground in Syria. CJTF transitioned from Phase I to Phase II of the operation at the end of 2015.

In Phase II, Counterattack, the CJTF supports the ISF and the partnered forces in Syria as they attack to liberate territory and people under the control of Daesh. During this phase, the CJTF conducts strikes against Daesh fighters in support of the maneuver of our partnered forces and in support of shaping future battles, increasing pressure and maintaining the momentum of ground forces. The CJTF continues the training, equipping, advising, and assisting of our partnered forces, elevating the training to unit collective tasks, focused on combined arms maneuver, where appropriate.
In Phase III, Defeat, the CJTF conducts strikes in support of the decisive battles against Daesh. ISF and partnered forces in Syria liberated the two capitols of the self-proclaimed caliphate, Raqqah in Syria and Mosul in Iraq, and eliminate Daesh’s physical means and psychological will to fight. After the liberation of Mosul and Raqqah, partnered forces clear remaining pockets of Daesh resistance throughout both countries. During this phase, the CJTF conducted fires against Daesh fighters in support of the decisive maneuver of our partnered forces, maintaining the momentum, and continues the training, equipping, advising, and assisting of our partnered forces.
In Phase IV, Support Stabilization, the CJTF provides security, planning, and required support to the Government of Iraq and appropriate authorities in Syria.
The Combined Joint Task Force organizes its tasks and missions along three lines of effort to bring about the military defeat of Daesh in Iraq and Syria. A line of effort is a line linking multiple tasks and missions using the “logic of purpose” – i.e., cause and effect – to focus efforts to establishing conditions at the strategic and operational levels.
In other words, a line of effort links all the unit’s actions, military and non-military, toward establishing a set of conditions to accomplish the mission.
In support of Line Of Effort 1, the CJTF will enable the military defeat of Daesh in Iraq and Syria. We accomplish this primarily by striking Daesh across the breadth and depth of the so-called “caliphate” throughout both countries.
In support of Line Of Effort 2, the CJTF will enable sustainable military partner capacity in Iraq and Syria. We accomplish this primarily by training and equipping and advising and assisting our partnered forces in both countries.
In support of Line Of Effort 3, the CJTF will leverage the cohesive effects of the contributions of the contributing nations of the Coalition. We accomplish this primarily by maximizing the effectiveness, or harnessing the power, of Coalition contributions of people, equipment, and logistics in support of our partnered forces.