News Releases
محاولة هجوم صاروخي على القرية الخضراء
August 16, 2022

Attempted rocket attack at Green Village criticized
August 16, 2022

قادة التحالف يدينون الهجوم غير الفعال على ثكنة التنف
August 15, 2022

Coalition leaders condemn ineffective al-Tanf Garrison attack
August 15, 2022

Coalition forces respond to UAS attack near al-Tanf Garrison
August 15, 2022

Endamên hevbendiyê nîgeraniyên civakê bi serkirdeyên xwecihî li bakurê Sûriyê re gotûbêj dikin
August 11, 2022

أعضاء التحالف يناقشون مع القادة المحليين مخاوف المجتمع في شمال شرق سوريا
August 11, 2022

Coalition members discuss community concerns with local leaders in NE Syria
August 11, 2022

منتدى الملحق العسكري يتناول قضايا إعادة النازحين إلى أوطانهم وإعادة الإدماج والتحديات المتعلقة بعناصر داعش في مراكز الاحتجاز
July 22, 2022
Attendees at a defense attaché forum hosted by Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) pose for a photo July 19, 2022, in Baghdad, Iraq. The defense attaché forum brought together defense attachés from several Global Coalition countries as well as representatives from CJTF-OIR and interagency partners to discuss topics including the need for increased repatriation and reintegration of displaced persons in northeast Syria to reduce ISIS influence in those vulnerable populations; the threat of ISIS members in detention centers operated by Syrian Democratic Forces in northeast Syria; and the need for greater international action to address these ongoing security and humanitarian challenges. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Brian Reed)